What is cod liver oil?
cod liver oil
Cod liver oil is a thin oil of relatively light color, which is obtained from the liver of fish such as cod, cod and haddock. Other species, less popular, are sharks, rays, pollack and hake. Cod liver oil, however, is not the same as fish oil.
The history of the liver trans
Cod liver oil has been around for a long time. The Vikings, Eskimos, Norwegians, Laplanders and Greenlanders already used it as a means of strengthening. During the 18th century it was used as a remedy for night blindness, rheumatism and rickets.
In 1824 the Germans discovered that cod liver oil was an excellent help against rickets. In the past, the oil was also used as a lamp oil and impregnation agent.
What is cod liver oil used for?
The use of cod liver oil is mostly known because sick, small children have to take it as medicine and do not like it at all because it does not taste good to them. And that's not just a cliché, it's really that. The oil is also used for malnutrition. Until well into the 1960s, children were given a spoonful of cod liver oil every day to strengthen and prevent disease.
It has been scientifically proven that cod liver oil can help with many ailments. It is available in capsule form, as a wound ointment and also as a means of rubbing in. It helps build muscles and renew cells. It lowers blood pressure and blood lipids, supports eyesight and gets the cardiovascular system going. Those who have joint diseases can rub themselves with cod liver oil, which will alleviate the pain.
In the meantime, however, cod liver oil has almost been replaced by modern medicine. Recently, however, many patients have returned to natural medicine, including cod liver oil. In the northern countries of Europe, every tenth person consumes this oil again. In the winter months it supplies the body with vitamin D and has a preventive effect against osteoporosis and depression.