NSW Health Restrictions
Corona Virus Cases in NSW and Victoria are increasing day by day. In NSW there are 3,588 cases and Victoria has 5,942 till 20th July. The death rate of the Coronavirus is increased in the NSW region to stop the spread in Australia.
Corona Virus Cases in NSW and Victoria are increasing day by day. In NSW there are 3,588 cases and Victoria has 5,942 till 20th July. The death rate of the Coronavirus is increased in the NSW region to stop the spread in Australia. The Australian government has imposed several Laws to control the COVID-19 spread among people. The Restrictions in NSW are
NSW and Victoria border closed:
People traveling from Victoria to NSW are restricted to entry inside the NSW state. People traveling for education, health emergency are only allowed to travel across the state. If border residents travel beyond the border zone in Victoria, they will have to be isolated for 14 days. The government believes that this restriction will stop the spread in NSW.
Home restrictions:
Only 20 peoples including children and adults are allowed to visit their friends or family house at a time.
If you have senior citizens or those who have severe health problems in your home you should not allow more visitors to your home.
Overnight stay for visitors is allowed.
The Total number of visitors should not exceed 20 visitors.
Restaurants and Pub’s restriction:
10 customers are allowed per booking.
Maximum of 250-300 people allowed in the pub at any one time or one customer per 4 square meters, whichever is the lesser.
The objects and venue should be kept clean and hygiene.
A special person for cleaning should be appointed.
All customer should sign-in their details to the management.
The social distance among people should be maintained.
The Management who does not obey the government laws will face a penalty.
Outdoor Gathering Restrictions:
More than 20 peoples gatherings in public are not allowed.
Religious gathering Restrictions:
The social distancing of about 4 square meters is allowed per person.
People who are entering the religious service has to provide their contact details for contact tracing.
The place should be kept clean and hygiene.
Wedding Restrictions:
There is no limit for peoples attending Wedding but One person per 4 square meters of space.
People attending will be required to provide their name and contact details so that they can be used for contact tracing.
Avoid traveling outdoor for no specific reason. As citizens, we are responsible to take care of our own health and we should obey government rules to stop the spread of deadly Coronavirus. Maintain Hygiene environment, Stay safe, Eat healthy food, Maintain social distancing to control the COVID-19 new cases in Australia.
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