Knee MRI Scans in Santa Fe: How to Prepare and What to Expect
If you’re scheduled to undergo an MRI scan of your knee, you may be wondering how the procedure works and what it’s like to experience one.
If you’re scheduled to undergo an MRI scan of your knee, you may be wondering how the procedure works and what it’s like to experience one. An MRI scan uses powerful magnets to create detailed images of your knee, both on the inside and the outside, so you can look forward to a pleasant experience that requires only minimal preparation on your part. Here’s what you need to know about MRI scan knee in Santa Fe, NM, including info on how to prepare for your appointment, what the environment will be like during your procedure, and more.
What is a Knee MRI?
A knee MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, is a scan that uses magnetic waves and a computer to take pictures of your knee. This painless procedure usually takes 15 to 45 minutes while you lie still inside a large tube-shaped machine. Afterward, you can return home immediately. Knee MRIs are usually done if you have problems with your knee after an injury or surgery. They can help diagnose arthritis, torn ligaments or tendons, tumors, or injuries that don't show up on other tests such as X-rays or CT scans.
Why Do I Need an MRI of my Knee?
A Knee MRI is a special type of scan that uses magnetism, radio waves, and a computer to make pictures of organs and structures inside your body. An MRI is useful for viewing all parts of your knee, including tendons, ligaments, bones, cartilage, muscles (both superficial muscles like those involved in motion and deep muscles important for stability), nerves as well as soft tissues such as the meniscus or synovium. These pictures can help doctors find out what's causing you pain or stiffness. They also can determine if you have arthritis or other conditions affecting cartilage such as bursitis or tendonitis. Additionally, an MRI may be used along with an X-ray exam (or CT scan) for more detailed information about your knee joint space.
Preparation for your test
You will be asked not to eat or drink anything for several hours before your MRI scan. This is because you may need a contrast dye injection to help your doctor see any structures more clearly. If you are able, wear comfortable clothes. Your doctor may want you to remove some jewelry or clothing that could interfere with your test (such as metal zippers). Don't wear deodorant, perfume, powder, lotion, or makeup on your face or hands because these items can interfere with image quality. Be sure not to bring a mobile phone or any other electronic device into the MR room—they cannot be used during testing. You will not have much time outside of an MR room for MRI lower back Alamogordo when you are waiting for an appointment, so choose comfortable shoes and dress comfortably.
The Actual Test
You’ll be asked to remove clothing, jewelry, hairpins, dentures, etc. You’ll likely be asked to change into a gown (often open at the back), and lie on a narrow bed that slides into a tunnel-like structure. If you need assistance with moving or positioning yourself onto the table, ask one of your healthcare team members for help. Depending on your insurance, they may also cover body parts not directly involved with your knee pain. For example, some plans may cover an abdominal scan if you have knee pain caused by osteoarthritis that affects other joints throughout your body as well.
Next Steps
Your doctor will likely recommend an MRI after a physical exam, X-rays, or CT scans have shown early signs of arthritis. Whether you're looking for a knee replacement or simply want to be proactive about your joint health, an MRI can help gauge your condition by showing active inflammation or damage. And although MRIs are often used on patients with knee injuries, they can also be used on people who don't have any pain at all. For example, some experts recommend regular MRIs for professional athletes because it allows them to spot issues as soon as possible. Even if you don't need one immediately, be sure to talk with your doctor about getting one when it's right for you.
Helpful Tips
Here are some helpful tips for a mammogram screening Alamogordo: - To make sure you get optimal results, make sure that you have had any contrast dye used on your visit at least 12 hours before you’re scheduled for your knee scan. Remember that contrast dyes may not be safe for everyone, so only have them administered under supervision by a medical professional if necessary. - Dress comfortably but do not wear anything metallic such as jewelry or zippers. If necessary, take off clothing labels, including bra tags. - Arrive 30 minutes early to allow time for testing and paperwork.
What Happens During an MRI
Many patients are understandably nervous about being inside a large machine, especially one that is as loud as an MRI machine. The procedure involves lying down on a flat table that slides into a tunnel-like tube. You will be asked to remain still while it takes pictures of your knee joint. Depending on what area of your knee is being examined, you may have an injection of contrast material (MRI Contrast) before or during your scan. These injections are not painful and only take seconds - they help provide better images by enhancing certain areas of your knee joint tissue for viewing.
Other Knee MRI Tips
You can drive or walk home after a knee MRI, but you might need help getting up and down stairs. Be prepared for all types of weather on your way home. Cold weather can cause blood to pool in your legs, so bring an extra pair of warm socks. If it's hot outside, wear loose clothing that's easy to put on and take off (like shorts). You'll probably be able to leave your brace or crutches at home if you use them during exercise or daily activities. While you're sitting for the scan, have someone nearby who can help if you have trouble getting up from your seat or climbing stairs after the scan is over.
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