History of Embroidery Handicraft
Embroidery is the art or craft of decorating cloth or other materials with a needle and thread or yarn. So, it’s been around for years.

Embroidery is an art or craft that involves decorating fabrics or other materials with a needle and thread. This has been the case for years.
The embroidery dates from the Cro-Magnon period or 30,000 BC. A recent archaeological search has uncovered fossils of ornate and hand-decorated items of clothing, shoes and hats.
Around 5000 and 6000 BC C. were found in Siberia. pierced a shell with predominantly ornamental patterns on animal skins. Chinese thread embroidery goes back to 3500 BC. BC back. C. The photographs show costume embroidery with silk thread, precious stones and pearls. There are examples of Chinese sewing and embroidery of silk from war countries (5th-3rd centuries BC).
Embroidery and other fibers and needles are believed to have come from the East and the Middle East. The ancients soon discovered that bites attached to animal skins can be used for cosmetic purposes. history says sculptures, paintings, and vases depicting the inhabitants of various ancient civilizations are considered to be people in embroidered clothes which is unsual.
In the 12th century, small pearls were chilled in a willow tree to adorn religious objects and were embroidered on clothing from the 13th to 14th centuries. By 1500, embroidery was warmer in Europe and around the world. From that time until the 18th century, embroidery with wide threads and beads became popular. Bead embroidery can be found on baskets, court uniforms, home enclosures and many other items.
Widely embroidered clothing, religious, and household items, including ancient Persia, India, China, Japan, Byzantium, and medieval and baroque Europe, are symbols of wealth and status in many cultures. Traditional folk techniques have been passed down from generation to generation in cultures such as North Pakistan, Egypt, and Eastern Europe. Professional workshops and teachers began in medieval England. The outcome of these workshops, known as Opus Anglicanum or “Working in English”, was popular across Europe. Machine embroidery was developed in St. Galln in Eastern Switzerland at the end of the 19th century.
The process of making, repairing, repairing and consolidating the goods contributed to the development of later sewing techniques, and the art of embroidery led to the decorative possibilities of sewing. The supply of hand-embroidered threads sewn with a 19th century mechanism began to decline with the advent of Berlin handicrafts and wool. When working with Berlin wool, embroidering with fabric was not popular until the 1970s, and by the 1880s, cross-stitch embroidery with square fabric with a twisted stitch became popular. planted. With the introduction of colorful print patterns, the need to count each stripe has in many cases been overlooked. Although hand-made embroidery was common, bead embroidery began with new needle stitches from the 19th century.
The fabrics and threads used in traditional embroidery vary from place to place. Wool, linen and silk have been used as fabrics and threads for millennia. Today embroidery is made from new cotton, viscose and thread, as well as from traditional wool, linen and silk. Ribbon embroidery uses tight combinations of silk or silk / organza to create typically floral shapes.
Flat embroidery techniques such as chain stitch and training or working with lead are cheaper with expensive yarns. The sofa is often used for sleeping. The knitting technique, which uses a lot of yarn after work, uses more material but gives an even stronger end result.
The last embroidery is sewn on a computer with an embroidery machine that uses “digital” patterns with the help of embroidery software. In machine embroidery, various “metals” give the finished part texture and pattern. With machine embroidery digitize logo and monograms are placed on work clothes or jackets, gifts and team clothes as well as on home textiles, curtains and living clothes that adorn the extensive hand embroidery of the past. Many people choose embroidered logos on their shirts and jackets to promote their business. Yes, embroidery is advanced in terms of style, technique, and application. It seems to continue its complication as it grows in popularity.
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