Top 7 tips for a wholesome Carpet cleaning experience
Carpet cleaning need not be a weekly or fortnightly affair. You need to make sure to clean any spillage, dust particles, mud as and when required. If you have toddlers at home you might have to do it more than once in a single day.
Your carpet in your home is one of the most prized possessions for you. Your guests - Family and friends visiting you take an impression of your lifestyle and hygiene from small factors and instances. How are you going to feel if you visit one of your friend’s homes and observe a carpet that is laden with stains and a lot of dirty spots. I am sure you are going to judge that person’s lifestyle and hygiene from this very small observation. Same ways you can also be judged for maintaining a low hygiene. Make sure to have your cleanliness in top order especially for your carpet since this is the first thing someone is going to notice after entering your home. This is where your realize the importance of carpet cleaning.
Prevention is better than cure
I have been to a few homes in Melbourne that have a really nice rule. They make you take off your shoes inside the home at a designated place that is outside the living area. There are a few cultures in the world that don’t allow shoes into their homes. After taking off your shoes you are provided with a pair of nice slippers that have never ventured out of the home and have a spic span appearance. The carpets and other areas of the home done get any external dirt and filth which is generally brought inside via the soles of shoes.
Carpet cleaning can be done every day
Carpet cleaning need not be a weekly or fortnightly affair. You need to make sure to clean any spillage, dust particles, mud as and when required. If you have toddlers at home you might have to do it more than once in a single day. Don’t avoid it since the dust, mud, and spillage will accumulate and become filth which not only is a hygiene issue but can also become a health issue very soon.
Choose a brush carefully to prevent harm instead of good
In case you are using a brush to clean your carpets make sure you have a brush that is soft on your carpets. For this, you need to check the texture of your carpet and then choose a cleaning brush for yourself. In case you use a hard or rough brush to clean your carpets you might be harming your carpet instead of doing any good to it. Choosing a brush that ensures to meet your cleanliness needs while protecting the texture of your carpet is very important.
Vacuum cleaning a carpet is highly recommended once a week
Busy schedules, running late to office, having social obligations to meet there’s so much we tend to do in our everyday life in a rush. From this rush, you just need to invest 15- 20 minutes of your precious time vacuuming your carpet. In case you have a large home and a number of carpets you can make plans and divide vacuuming among family members. Vacuuming makes sure to keep your carpet clean for a long time without creating much harm to it.
Shampooing and cleaning with a good cleaning agent once in every six months
This is something you need to do with meticulous planning since this is going to take time and a lot of effort. Shampooing, cleaning, washing, and then drying a carpet needs a lot of time, energy, and planning. You need to arrange for someone to help you in case you need to move things while undertaking the cleaning process. If you are not able to do it yourself then there are professional carpet cleaning companies in Melbourne that are specialized to do it.
Get a professional carpet cleaning company involved
Getting a professional carpet cleaner is the best option especially if you are living in Melbourne since a lot of top carpet cleaning companies are based out of here that have made a reputation for themselves in the past many years. These companies have the expertise, cleaning agents, and cleaning machines that will ensure the protection of the fabric of your carpet and ensure a germ-free and clean carpet for your home.
Use home remedies however trust blindly
Home remedies are good to read, even better to practice since they are home remedies and can be tried. However, these home remedies might work for a certain group of people and might not provide the desired results for a group of people based in another location just because of the weather conditions. I don’t disagree with home remedies however I would take them with a pinch of salt.
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