Advantages Of Covering The Roof With Sheet Metal
We are a roofing company that works with any roofing material. Tile or roofing felt have no secrets from us and by commissioning us to lay these materials on your roof, you can be sure of a professional approach and workmanship.

We are a roofing company that works with any roofing material. Tile or roofing felt have no secrets from us and by commissioning us to lay these materials on your roof, you can be sure of a professional approach and workmanship. However, there is one material in which we specialize and the advantages of which will be today's entry. We are talking about a roofing sheet, and you can see our projects with it here -> Metal roofs . Sheet metal is an excellent material for the roof, it is characterized by high resistance to weather conditions, and the possibilities of its use in modern architecture are enormous.
Types of roofing sheets
Metal sheet has many names, and when looking for information about what manufacturers offer, we will find out that on the market we have metal roof tiles, trapezoidal sheets, corrugated sheets, sheet with sprinkled, modular, flat, seam, copper, titanium and coated. Everything seems complicated at first, but these are only appearances. We will try to briefly characterize the roofing sheet in terms of the type, type of finish and coating. Finally, a few words about the advantages of laying a roofing sheet .
Types of sheet metal:
- metal roofing tile - this is one of the most popular solutions. Its appearance is to imitate a tile, which is why this type of metal includes many models of sheets with a wave pattern, and even plain tile, or a sheet similar to a flat tile;
- flat tile - gaining more and more supporters, especially among people who build simple, modern buildings. Usually laid on a single or double seam;
- trapezoidal sheet - this is a proposal for industrial buildings or residential houses with an industrial character. Often used as a covering for auxiliary buildings, such as a garage, outbuilding. There are many types of profiles of this sheet, which differ in the height of the embossing, i.e. the characteristic trapezoid;
- corrugated sheet - commonly used in the past years, now used as an economic cover for farm buildings, garages. The history of corrugated sheet goes back to the 19th century and nowadays, few people know that it used to be used to build entire houses.
Now we will divide sheets according to the type of finish. It affects the use, durability and final appearance.
- galvanized sheet - this is the basic type of sheet, on which there is no protective coating, and it gives it a color. It is a pure steel sheet, galvanized;
- coated sheet - it is a galvanized sheet covered with a protective coating, which at the same time gives the roof the desired color. This type of coating on the sheet protects it against external factors, scratches and increases the resistance of the sheet to corrosion. There are many types of coatings on the market, so when choosing a specific manufacturer, it is worth delving into the technologies used by them;
- a sprinkled sheet - (pictured above) - is also a type of coated sheet, but this time made of quartz, ceramic or stone sprinkles (e.g. volcanic stone). The advantage of this sheet is the maximum noise reduction caused by raindrops compared to other sheets.
The roofing sheet can also be divided according to the sheet core. The basic material, and at the same time the cheapest, is steel. In order to obtain the longest possible service life, it is galvanized or, to obtain even greater resistance, it is covered with the so-called aluzinc, i.e. an alloy of aluminum, zinc and silicon. In premium versions, the metal sheet for the roof is made of copper, aluminum or titanium-zinc sheet. Each of them has increased resistance parameters, but also has a price.
Advantages of covering the roof with roofing sheets
Probably when looking for information on the advantages of a roofing sheet, also popularly known as a roof tile, the first thing you came across is the price of the roofing. Without a doubt, the basic type of sheet metal is cheaper than roof tiles and nothing will change in this respect, but sheet metal covering has other advantages, such as:
- low weight of the finished roof - this is important when building a new roof (usually you do not need to use full form work or the roof structure itself is lighter), and it is of colossal importance when renovating the roof. If we do not plan to replace the entire roof structure, which should be reinforced under the tiles, then the sheet is the obvious choice. Sheet metal roofing is several times lighter than roof tiles;
- Perfect for renovated roofs - what should be added to what we wrote above about weight, in the case of roof renovation, the time of replacing the cover is of colossal importance. The sooner, the safer, as possible weather breakdowns can cost us dearly;
- affordable and in many price ranges - metal sheet is without a doubt an economical solution for the roof. To this must be added the fast pace of laying, which translates into the cost of labor;
- color selection - much larger than in the case of tiles, and with many color nuances;
- a wide range of patterns - there is also a lot to choose from. Sheet metal can imitate a tile, even a flat one, or a plain tile, shingle, and even slate. Seam sheet is also a desirable pattern, especially in modern construction;
- types of finishes (coatings) and the possibility of adjusting to different styles - a mix of patterns, colors and coatings makes sheet metal extremely universal. We can easily adjust the model to classic construction, modern architecture, and even commercial or industrial buildings;
- the possibility of using it not only on the roof - the use of sheet metal as a wall cladding is not a novelty. Whole sheet metal buildings have been found in different latitudes for many years. Only recently, sheet metal on vertical walls, used as cladding and roof drag, has been used as a decorative element, and not only as an economical and practical material for external walls. for more visit
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