8 Underused Ways To Get Better Content Ideas
Whether you’re a skilled marketer or a businessman, writing content will be an essential part of your job. For obvious reasons, you want to ensure that your mind is brimming with ideas rather than becoming stuck in a phrase, i.e. writer’s block.

Whether you’re a skilled marketer or a businessman, writing content will be an essential part of your job. For obvious reasons, you want to ensure that your mind is brimming with ideas rather than becoming stuck in a phrase, i.e. writer’s block.
The truth is that writer’s block can affect anyone. Any professional writer will tell you about their difficulties. Most people strive too hard to be perfectionists, unaware that perfection is a myth. There will always be flaws that need to get addressed. Perfectionism, on the other hand, can lower self-esteem and harm your bottom line.
We have listed down eight underused ideas to generate better content ideas.
1. Make and stick to a content schedule.
It is irresponsible not to plan and adhere to a content schedule. Many writers sit down and think about what they will write about. It wastes time and is inefficient. Instead, make a list of potential topics to write about in a single sitting. It will take a few hours (or even a few days), but you’ll always have plenty of material to write about.
As a basic rule, you should generate enough content ideas to last at least one month. If you’re posting four times per week, try to develop at least 20 to 30 new ideas. Cycle through these suggestions and select the ones that make the most sense.
This strategy works because your mind concentrates on only one task at a time. The human brain is woefully underequipped to handle multitasking.
2. Research Your Competitors
Taking inspiration from your competition is the oldest trick in the book. Visit your competitor’s website and social media profiles to learn more about what they’re up to. Examine their posts. Please take a look at their photos. Examine how they interact with their followers (and other brands).
If you have many social media followers, you can ask for content suggestions from them. They will gladly assist you with content ideas. It’s certainly preferable to guessing what they’ll like and dislike.
Post a question on social media and obtain feedback. For example, if you review new products, ask your audience what new gadgets they want you to look at.
3. Look it up on Google’s search engines
If you’re working with a broad topic, Google search results are a great place to start looking for content ideas.
Examine the suggested keywords that appear when you type in “keyword research.”
These suggestions are helpful because they show that the audience is interested.
Pro tip: Examine the related searches because they are directly associated with your query. It’s a treasure trove of ideas that can help you get started.
Furthermore, because you directly sourced these suggestions from Google, they are SEO-friendly. It’s a win-win situation. You can also seek the assistance of affordable ghostwriting services, ask them for their opinions on new ideas, or write content for you. These experts generally have access to tools that allow them to identify the best topics to write about.
4. Write a blog about recent events.
It may be profitable to discuss the latest trends, depending on your niche. However, if the latest news does not align with your brand image or match up with your target audience, you may want to avoid covering it.
There are ways to improve one’s creativity. For example, when you watch the news or read the latest news magazine issue, consider how you can make the content more relevant to your target audience.
Tell your readers about the event and why they should be aware of the new trend.
5. Pay Attention to Sales Calls
Listening in on your sales calls allows you to hear your customers’ problems and frustrations directly from their mouths. What are the most common issues that prospects complain about? Do take note of the words and jargon they use. It will provide you with ideas for a blog or article that includes those exact words and addresses their issue.
Encourage your customers to tell you more about their issues. If you run an online store, here are some questions you might want to ask:
How did you hear about our website?
What issue do you hope to solve with this product?
What products have you tried so far?
Prepare a related list of questions relevant to your company and distribute it to your sales team. The customer’s response will reveal content ideas for resolving their issues, such as FAQ pages, infographics, educational materials, video tutorials, and long-form blog posts.
6. Go to the General Forums
Reddit is an excellent source for new content ideas. It’s a massive platform where people post about anything and everything. Type in your target audience or your industry’s name to find posts that can convert into the content.
Another place to start looking is Quora, though we’ll be the first to admit that some of the questions are getting a little repetitive. It is why Reddit is superior in terms of generating new content ideas.
7. Attend Industry-Specific Forums
If your industry is highly niche and there aren’t many platforms to discuss it, you should concentrate your efforts on niche forums. Forums were the go-to place for people to chat in the early days of the internet. They are less common nowadays, but they still exist on the internet.
Although Reddit and Quora are general forums with a wealth of content for niche content, exploring other platforms for content ideas is worthwhile. Search for “forum” on Google. You will get a variety of results.
8. The Comment Section on Your Website
You can also get helpful suggestions from your blog posts’ comments sections and those of your competitors. If readers ask you questions about the topic or tell you about things you should have included, you can incorporate their suggestions into new content. It only works if you have a sizable audience. If you don’t have enough readers yet, visit your competitor’s blog and look through their comment section for inspiration.
It is difficult to determine what content your audience wants or requires. However, it is simpler if you use these eight underused content ideas. It will help your content stand out in a crowded content world market.
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