The Best Facials of 2022: Your Guide to Choosing the Right Procedure

The Best Facials of 2022: Your Guide to Choosing the Right Procedure

In the world of beauty, facials reign supreme. They're one of the most popular procedures out there, and for a good reason.

A facial can do wonders for your skin, leaving it looking younger and healthier. But with so many different types of facials available, how do you choose the right one for you? 

Before heading to the plastic surgery Calgary clinic, this article lets you in on the most popular facials of 2022 and what you need to know before getting one.

1. The Hydrafacial

Starting off the list strong is the HydraFacial. This is a relatively new procedure that has quickly become one of the most popular facials out there. The hydrafacial calgary is a multi-step facial that uses several serums to cleanse, exfoliate, and hydrate the skin.

Hydrafacials use a patented Vortex-Fusion technology to deliver these serums deep into the skin. This allows for better absorption and results.

And one of the best things about HydraFacials is that there is no downtime. You can immediately put on makeup and go about your day after the procedure.

In specific clinics, there are also three hydrafacial experiences you could try: the Signature, Deluxe, and Platinum Hydrafacial.

Signature Hydrafacials use a mix of glycolic acid, lactic acid, and salicylic acid to cleanse and brighten the skin.

The Deluxe Hydrafacial includes all of the benefits of the Signature facial plus an LED light therapy treatment to help with any acne or pigmentation issues.

Finally, the Platinum Hydrafacial is the ultimate Hydrafacial experience, involving a lymphatic drainage procedure, LED light therapy, and a booster of your choice.

If you're looking for a facial that will leave your skin looking and feeling fabulous, then a Hydrafacial is the right choice.


  • Quick and easy procedure with no downtime

  • It can be customized to target specific concerns

  • Immediate results


  • Can be expensive

  • It may not be suitable for people with sensitive skin

Hydrafacials are perfect if you're looking for a customizable facial with no downtime. However, they can be pricey, so keep that in mind when deciding.

2. The LED Light Facial

If you're looking for a facial that will help with acne, wrinkles, or pigmentation issues, an LED light facial might be right for you.

An LED light facial uses different colored lights to target specific skin concerns. Blue light kills bacteria and reduces inflammation, making it great for those with acne.

On the other end, red light is used to stimulate collagen production and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. And finally, yellow light is used to brighten the skin and improve the overall complexion.

An LED light facial is a non-invasive procedure that has no downtime. You may experience some redness or sensitivity after the treatment, but this should go away within a few hours.


  • Non-invasive with no downtime

  • It can help with a variety of skin concerns


  • Results can take several weeks to appear

  • LED light facials can be expensive

An LED light facial is excellent if you're looking for a quick and easy way to improve your skin. However, it's important to note that results can take several weeks.

3. The Microneedling Facial


Microneedling is a popular facial procedure that can help to improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and scars.

The facial involves using a device with tiny needles to create hundreds of small punctures in the skin. This triggers the skin's natural healing process, leading to collagen and elastin production.

Microneedling can be done at home with a dermaroller, but we highly recommend going to a professional for the best results.


  • It can help to improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and scars

  • Stimulates the skin's natural healing process


  • Can be painful

  • It may not be suitable for people with sensitive skin

  • The results can take a long time to appear.

If you're looking for a facial that can help improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and scars, then microneedling might be right for you. That being said, you should note that the results can take several weeks to appear.

4. The Chemical Peel Facial

True, chemical peels have been around for years. But in 2022, they are still one of the most popular facials.

The general procedure of a chemical peel involves applying a chemical solution to the skin, which causes it to blister and peel off.

As the old skin peels away, the new skin is revealed. The new skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin.

There are different types of chemical peels, ranging from light to deep. Light peels are great for those who want to improve the appearance of their skin with minimal downtime. On the other hand, deep peels can be pretty aggressive and should only be done by a professional.


  • It can help improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and scars

  • There are different types of peels for different skin types


  • It may not be suitable for those with sensitive skin

  • The results can take a long time to appear

  • Chemical peels can be pricey

If you're looking for a facial that can help improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and scars, then a chemical peel might be right for you. Just keep in mind that it can take weeks for results to show.

5. Profhilo

In 2022, one of the newest and most popular facials is Profhilo. Profhilo is an injectable treatment that can help improve your skin's appearance.

The treatment involves injecting hyaluronic acid into the skin, which helps to hydrate and plump the skin. In fact, it's also known by its nickname, the "liquid facelift."

Profhilo is a fantastic choice for those who want to focus on hydration and improving the overall glow of their skin.


  • It can help improve the appearance of your skin

  • Injections are quick and easy


  • It may not be suitable for those with sensitive skin

  • The results can take a while to appear (a few weeks)

  • The price of Profhilo can be high.

If you're looking for a facial that can help improve your skin's youthful glow, then try out Profhilo!

6. The OXYGEN Facial

Oxygen facials are one of the most famous facials done in Hollywood. They're often called the "Red Carpet Facial" because they're always done before big events.

The procedure of an oxygen facial is pretty simple. A machine is used to infuse oxygen and vitamins into the skin. This is done through a small hand-held device that emits a jet of oxygen.

The oxygen and vitamins help to brighten and plump the skin, giving you a gorgeous glow.


  • It can help improve the appearance of your skin

  • Injections are quick and easy


  • It may not be suitable for those with sensitive skin

  • The results can take a while to appear (a few weeks)

  • Oxygen facials can be pretty pricey.

Oxygen facials are perfect for those who want to improve the appearance of their skin before a big event. Remember that the results can take a few hours to appear.

7. Plasma facial

This is another newer facial that is becoming increasingly popular. A plasma facial, also known as a "blood facial," involves taking a small amount of blood from your arm and then using it to improve the appearance of your skin.

The procedure works by using a machine to spin the blood in a centrifuge. This separates the platelets from the rest of the blood. The platelets are then injected into the face.

Platelets are rich in growth factors, which help regenerate new skin cells. Therefore, having them applied to your skin can help to improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and scars.


  • It can help improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and scars

  • The results can last for up to two years

  • Perfect for those who want a more long-term solution


  • The procedure can be painful

  • The results can take weeks to appear

  • The price of a plasma facial can be steep.

The Bottom line: Which should you try?

There are a lot of different facials out there, and it can be tough to decide which one is right for you. If you're looking for something quick and easy, try out an oxygen facial or a chemical peel.

If you want something that will give you long-lasting results, go for a deep peel or Profhilo. But if you're looking to improve the overall appearance of your skin, then check out the vampire facial!

No matter what facial you choose, consult with a professional beforehand to see if it's right for you.


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