Recycling Saves the Planet
Will we learn from COVID-19 and change our ways
Why not buy brand new?
As the world population grows the demand on natural resources grows ever so more. In this age of use once and throw away culture its hard to convince anybody to re-use anything at all. With the spread of COVID-19, people have come to realise that marketing companies want us to buy brand new, with built-in obsolescence, but now when there isn't much left of their disposable income that they need think carefully about buying anything new if they can make do with used parts / materials.
Is second hand the best option (value for money)?
It all depends on the nature of the product - a simple clothing item may be discolored but will still do the job of covering your body but more complex and technically advanced items, such as, computers and car parts may need more consideration. It is always the best to source second hand items from reputable sellers. Searching for items online is the easiest way to locate what you are looking for, however when making the final decision to purchase it is always good to "touch and feel" the product or even trying it out (e.g. test driving a car).
How do I ensure I save money and help reduce waste?
When it comes to making decisions on complex items, such as, used car parts it is always good to do a bit of research before making a decision to buy second hand or brand new. one of the main factors that is also contributing to the throw away culture is the fact that the younger generation could not be bother with spending time researching used products - instead it is much easier to turn up to a shop or order online brand new products.
Saving money and saving the planet is not that much of challenge but we have to change our ways and start to think differently about using recycled and used products.
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