8 Organic DIY Insecticides to Free your Garden of Pests

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8 Organic DIY Insecticides to Free your Garden of Pests

Organic bug repellents are very safe as they do not interfere with the soil and its microorganisms or its pH balance. In Melbourne, crops that have been treated with organic pesticides are safe for you and your family to consume.

Having a garden and cultivating it yourself is hard. But with changing weather, controlling pests, weeds, maintaining the soil are all quite a task. Herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers do make farming easier. Just a spray of them will rid you of the weeds and bugs that are feasting on your plants. But it is very essential that one sticks to the rule of avoiding these dangerous liquids to have a toxic-free crop. Facing these issues will be an eye-opener to the trials and hardships the farmers have to undergo while growing crops for us.

Bugs can be picked off manually but that will be very time-consuming. Using a solution like natural bug repellents made at home can control or remove the bugs. All insects are not harmful. There are some insects that are the friend of the farmers as they help maintain the microorganism in the soil.

Harmful pesticides are used to rid your crop of bugs but on the other hand, they can also destroy the useful insects and have a long-lasting effect on the ecosystem of your garden.

Take a look at the market or search the internet to find the most effective and harmless pesticides that will kill the bugs. Even natural repellents can be harmful to the soil, crop, humans, and animals.

8 Organic and DIY Repellents:

  1. Oil Spray:

    Organic repellents are naturally made by using vegetable oil and a gentle soap like Dr. Bronners castile soap can give you great results when treating pests like aphids, mites, thrips, and other pests that have infested your garden.

    This oil spray can be made by mixing a tablespoon of soap to 1 cup of vegetable oil. Cover the bottle and shake it well. Once you are ready to use it, 2 teaspoon of this solution has to be added to 1 quarter of water. Shake it well and spray this organic repellent on the tops of the plants that are infested with the insects. The oil in the solution covers the insect body closing the pores on the body which makes it difficult for them to breathe, ultimately killing the pests. This is one way of controlling or removal of pests.

  2. Soap Spray:

    Using this soap spray is another Natural way of removing and controlling pests. This is somewhat similar to the oil spray. This is very widely used in removal, treating, and controlling pests like mites, aphids, whiteflies, beetles and any other pests.

    This spray can be made by mixing together 1 ½ teaspoon of gentle liquid soap (like castile soap) in a quarter of water. Once this is ready, spray it on the crops that are infested. This spray has the same effect as the oil spray insecticide. Do NOT spray your garden with pesticides when the sun is sharp. Spray this organic pesticide either in the morning or evening. This soap spray repellent helps control pests.

  3. Neem Oil:

    Oil taken from the Neem seeds makes a strong organic and natural bug repellent to control insects. It has the power to hinder the hormones and the growth cycle of bugs whether at adult, larvae, or egg stage.

    This Neem oil insecticide is an ideal answer to an organic farmer. Neem oil stop bugs from feeding on leaves and other parts. Neem oil has the capability of being decomposed and is eco-friendly. Using Neem Oil Insecticide is very useful in the removal and controlling of bugs as well as fighting mildew and fungal infestation.

    This insecticide is widely available in many garden stores or natural/organic food stores in Melbourne. If you are using neem oil as an insecticide, just follow the directions on the bottle, or mix 2 teaspoons of neem oil with 1 teaspoon of mild liquid soap. Shake well in a quart of water. Spray this on the affected plant. As a precautionary method to avoid bugs from devouring the crops. Neem oil can be sprayed on the leaves even before they are infested.

  4. Diatomaceous Soil as an Organic Insecticide:

    This soil is derived as a result of sedimentation of rock of fossilized algae (diatoms). Diatomaceous soil makes up 26% of the earth's outer shell and is found in and around Melbourne.

    This soil has various uses but mainly, is used as a natural insecticide. This soil does not suffocate or act as a toxicant. Its rough texture absorbs the wax like substance on the insect's outer surface. Causing the moisture in its body to dry up and it dies. This type of diatomaceous natural organic earth can be purchased in any garden store in Melbourne. They come in a big bag in large quantities. Organic earth is very handy so, try to share a bag with your neighbor if you have a small garden space.

    The best way to use Organic natural earth is to sprinkle it on the plants. This will help with the control and removal of slugs, snails or any bug. Put some of the earth around the plants. Diatomaceous organic natural earth is dry so, after it has rained you will have to reinforce the ground and plants with more of this insecticide.

  5. Garlic Pesticide Spray:

    As garlic has a very offensive and pungent aroma, liked by some and detested by others. This strong odour plays an important role when using it as a pesticide to control or remove bugs. It is not very sure if garlic and chilies sprays are really considered as a natural insecticide but their strong aroma does help to remove and stop the infestation in your garden.

    Taking two garlic bulbs (not cloves) in a blender, with little water, make a paste and add a quarter of water. Leave it overnight. The next morning strain it into a pot. Adding ½ cup of vegetable oil, with 1 teaspoon of gentle soap, fill the pot with water, store in a safe place. When needed, taking 1 cup of this solution, add 1 quarter of water and spray the garden liberally. This is another way to control the pests.

  6. Chile Pepper Bug Repellent Spray:

    Chile pepper spray is also a good natural insecticide that can be made at home like garlic spray and used to remove pests from your plants in the garden.

    You can make a chile spray either by using powdered Chile pepper or fresh and hot peppers. Mix a tablespoon of Chile powder with 1 quart of water, add a few drops of gentle liquid soap to this and stir well. You don't need to dilute this spray. Spray this pesticide on the crops infested with bugs.

    If you are going to use fresh Chile peppers, then blend 1 cup of water with half a cup of peppers. Add a quarter of water to this and boil it. Once cooled strain the solid stuff out, add a few drops of gentle liquid soap. Use as required but, use gloves as this Chile spray can burn your hands. Keep away from eyes, nose, and mouth.

  7. One for All Natural Bug Repellent Spray:

    This is a mix up of all the natural insecticides sent in by readers who have followed and made their own alteration to suit their requirement of pesticides. It is a mix up of all the natural pesticides to help with the control and removal of pests from your garden.

    This is very simple just make a paste of 1 small onion, 1 garlic bulb. To this add a teaspoon of powdered cayenne peppers. Let it sit for about 60 minutes after which you can strain it, add 1 tablespoon of gentle liquid soap and stir well. No need to dilute or add water to this spray.

    Use this homemade Natural and organic spray as pesticides in your garden. Both the lower and upper surface of the leaves has to be sprayed with this concoction which will help in the removal and control of pests. If any solution is remaining don't forget to store it in the refrigerator. This can be kept for a week if desired.

  8. Tomato Leaf a Good Organic Bug Repellent:

    This has been just discovered so it will be best to follow and make changes as required. Using tomato leaves as a pesticide has been mentioned so often that it can be included in the list of natural organic pesticides that can be used for your plants in the garden. Tomatoes contain aptly alkaloids called tomatine and are considered as part of the nightshade family. This alkaloid can control aphids and other insects.

    To make this natural organic spray, take the leaves from the bottom of a tomato plant. Chop up 2 cups of tomato leaves. Add 1 quarter of water and keep it to stand for the whole night, the next morning strain out the residue and spray this solution all around your garden. This spray should help with the removal and control of bugs

The above 8 natural and organic pesticide sprays will help you initially. There are many more pesticides used in and around Melbourne like Bt, Milky spore, nicotine, pyrethrum, and iron phosphate. You should find the best and effective pesticides that suites your garden plants. This can only happen when you follow, observe, and modify what fits your requirements.

It's very important to keep in mind killing bugs is not a priority. But without the use of pesticides encourage the breeding of beneficial bugs, microbes, and fungi that invite predatory bugs (ladybugs, praying mantis) to help develop a healthy ecosystem and build up soil fertility thus helping to manage the bug in your garden naturally.

About the Author

Muzi Tsolakis is the owner of Protect Pest Control in Australia that provides pest control services like wasp nest removal and pest Inspections in Melbourne.

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