Affordable LS of a summer cottage: ideas for arrangement

The style of  Affordable LS design should be selected in accordance with where the site is located

 Affordable LS of a summer cottage: ideas for arrangement

A cozy beautiful dacha with a well-groomed garden and vegetable garden is the dream of every city dweller. Fresh vegetables from the garden, flowering flower beds, barbecue and garden chairs are simple, but such important components of a summer cottage. And everyone who has at least a small area can get it. Arranging your own summer cottage is a fascinating creative process. But it requires preparation and adherence to a plan. Then the dacha will turn into a real paradise where you can relax alone, with your family or invite a noisy company of guests.


Where to start the arrangement: preparatory work

Before Affordable LS with the arrangement of the garden plot, it is imperative to draw up a plan. A chaotic tree plantation cannot be turned into a beautiful garden. And if you do not foresee in advance where the recreation area will be, and where the beds are, you will get a useless use of space. Preparation for building a summer cottage begins with a plan, and before that a preliminary inspection is carried out. It is necessary to investigate the site, study the parameters and take into account its features. The main criteria are the location of the house and the relief. If there is no house on the site yet, the task is simplified. For future construction, you can choose the best place.

If you have a house, you will have to adjust the location of the garden, vegetable garden and recreation areas. The gentle terrain will also simplify the task. With strong changes in the relief, you will have to choose one of the possible solutions: alignment or use it as the main feature and "highlight" of the site.


Affordable LS  in the country: plants, materials, styles

We talk about the main trends and principles of arranging a suburban area  Affordable LS is a set of measures and solutions for the improvement of the territory. Its main task is to create a beautiful, harmonious, and most importantly comfortable space. Together with the designers, we talk about the main styles and principles of landscape design in USA. There are three options for how to make a landscape design in a suburban area - with your own hands completely, independently according to a sketch of experts, or by handing over the matter to professional landscape designers.

With your own hands

Today, each of us has the Internet at hand - there is information on how to plant a tree and how to grow a tropical fruit. Whole plant care forums and design blogs are easy to find on the web.

“To independently transform a site, you need good taste, vision of proportions, observation and global thinking. A person must see and understand his own territory, its features, the properties of plants. And - to move from the general to the particular. Only by presenting the whole landscape picture, one can proceed to step-by-step actions ", - comments Evgeny Nedoborov, partner of INRE landscape design studio.

However, there is a risk to equip landscape design according to the advice on the Internet and, as a result, not get what you want. Much depends on whether a person correctly imagines the possibilities of his site, since the results are often unexpected. “Designers always know exactly what the final picture will be, and understand what, where, in what proportions and colors it should be. For example, we see: here is a place for a large tree, but here, to complete the picture, it needs to be supported by smaller plants.


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